The first invites to a meeting and celebration with food. I had been at a textile shop and got some textile samples for gardines, etc, and from them I made this poster, a mini-table ‘couvert’ with the invitation on the platter… (The original invitation, written with a typewriter, not by hand, to be more formal, is lost)
The first invites to a meeting and celebration with food. I had been at a textile shop and got some textile samples for gardines, etc, and from them I made this poster, a mini-table ‘couvert’ with the invitation on the platter… (The original invitation, written with a typewriter, not by hand, to be more formal, is lost)
And probably the last one, in the form of a punctum or ‘periood’ mark, appropriately inviting to the last gathering that semester (1966) “Avslutningsfest”.
And probably the last one, in the form of a punctum or ‘periood’ mark, appropriately inviting to the last gathering that semester (1966) “Avslutningsfest”.
On purpose I made it difficult to read, as to make it a hidden, secret message people woud be curious to desipher. Luckily I have maintianbed my creative fantasy up to this day, so be aware of future surprises!
On purpose I made it difficult to read, as to make it a hidden, secret message people woud be curious to desipher. Luckily I have maintianbed my creative fantasy up to this day, so be aware of future surprises!


Here are some samples of my pre-educational work, culminating in a series of higly original posters for the Chrstian Youth Group at High School in Romsa/Tromsø 1960-1966

(in progress)


Her er noen eksempler på mine førster forsøk lenge før jeg begynte min utdannelse. 

Here are probably the last remaining posters I made as the PR man for the Christian Youth group at high school i Romsa/Tromsø where I was a pupil 1960-66. These posters were extraordiary, and made a big impact, I was told. In fact they were outrageously different from what one would expect from a poster at that time. Here are two examples. The first invites to a meeting and celebration with food. I had been at a textile shop and got some textile samples for gardines, etc, and from them I made this poster, a mini-table ‘couvert’ with the invitation on the platter… On another poster, I used part of a broken violin glued on it, it was for a meeting focusing on music (not shown here). 

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