This page contains photos from the past related to my family and me. Because our homeland were burnt in the authumn of 1944 as the World War II drew to a close, many valuable photographs have been lost, as part of the tragedy of thousands of individuals in Finnmark and the northern part of Troms counties. Fearing the hastily apprach of the Red Army of Soviet Union, the German troops evacuated the population, but did not manage to do a through job east of the Deatnu river. In many cases people choose to hide in the unreachable areas, and many but not all managed to survive the repeated detours of the German Nazi soldiers and their local helpers, and several people lost their lives as a result. Luckily my family managed to save some old photos during this time, and we are lucky to have them. Ours was a very poor family, like our neighbours, so in any case photographs were extremely rare. Mostly pass photos for the use for identification cards, and the like. My mother gave me those and others. My aunt's husband, Henning Persen, who also tried his luck as a local crocerer, but had to give up the competition from a stronger Norwegian one, had a slightly larger choice of photographs. My aunt Anna gave them all to me as a gift, and they are the reason why this page exists at all.
(in progress)
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28.09 | 07:36
Hei! Jeg skal kjøpe inn trykk til en større kunstforening og er interessert i dett...
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Hei har prøvd å kontakte deg tidligere men kan ikke se å ha fått svar. Jeg lur...
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