Niilas Sombi is carried away by Norwegian police. Next in line is Máret Stueng, the creator of the first Sámi flag (1962/3)

Sámi artist and member of the Sámi Art Group, Josef A. Halse, and the late Márit Gaup Dunfjeld

Since my childhood, when I got my first camera in 1957 I believe it was, from my fosterparents in Tromsdalen/Sálašvággi, I have been a rather active user of cameras. People nowadays will often see me with a necklace that has a camera attached to it, and are they with me for some time, it will also be used. This page, and the sub-pages to it, will feature glimpses form my rich collection of photographs, both black & white, colour printed and colour slides. Many of these have been shown on my Facebook profile earlier, but I was adviced to remove them, and did. Most of them will be seen here eventually, in addition to many others. 
Please be aware that my photos are protected by copyright, and can only be copied or "borrowed" with my consent. Please respect this. Not that I am not willing to share, but as I have experienced that some have claimed my art to be their own, I feel I have the right to be cautious. 
 In any case, these photos are interesting and already historic, most of what we see has changed a lot since then, they are all taken from my colourslide(diapositive) archive from 1965-1977. The captions to the photos are in Norwegian only, but I might add something in English if need be…

At Čavčo October 15th 1981 I was a photojournalist at the last major demonstration against the Alta River Dam project, a project that had become a symbol and culmination of hundreds of years of oppression and violence against the Indigenous people of Fennoscandia. I had to balance a thin line, as I was shocked at the brutality of the situation, and one policeman plainly asked “ are you a journalist or a demonstrator!” and others warned me not to cross that line, otherwise I might end in jail, too, and we needed documentation, so did the police it seemed. It has happened before, and it is happening again, confrontation over the resources of our homelands…


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Nyeste kommentarer

28.09 | 07:36

Hei! Jeg skal kjøpe inn trykk til en større kunstforening og er interessert i dette. Flott om du kan ta kontakt med meg.

18.09 | 10:32

Hei har prøvd å kontakte deg tidligere men kan ikke se å ha fått svar. Jeg lurer på hvor stor " Reinskilling 4" er og hvor mye den koster. Med hilsen, Cobien

12.09 | 08:56

Kan noen si meg hvordan jeg kan komme i kontakt med deg HR Mathisen for å få info om Reinskilling 4 som jeg synes er veldig fin. (hvor stor, hvor mye koster den

23.08 | 07:10

Varme gratulasjoner med St. Olav! Vel fortjent!
Husker tilbake på mange gode møter, senest flytting fra Masi ca 1984. Torleif, mob 92837825